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Rule of decision

The rule of decision determines how the uncertainty of measurement is taken into account in statements on the conformity of measured values with specified requirements. If there are no standard requirements or customer requirements to the contrary, we apply the decision rule described here when assessing conformity. LABCO documents the decision rule used in the test reports.

Requirements (limit values) of the test parameters are taken from the data of the applicable standard or specification. Statements on the conformity of measured values, according to the decision rule presented here, are made without taking measurement uncertainties (U) into account. However, the measurement uncertainties to be assigned to the measured values are documented in the test reports in the form of an overview list.

The measurement uncertainty is defined as a parameter to identify a range of values in which the correct value of the measurand lies. Statements on conformity are made according to the applicable normative specifications (e. g. median value, average value, maximum value, etc.) as “conform” / “non-conform” if the measured values are within or outside the requirements.

Case examples

Case I:
The measured value to be evaluated, e.g. median value, average value, maximum value, etc., is within the given specification limits. In case I, the measurement uncertainty assigned to the measured value is also within the specified requirements. LABCO evaluates the measured value as compliant in this case.

Case II:
The measured value to be evaluated, e.g. median value, average value, maximum value, etc., is within the given specification limits. In case II, the measurement uncertainty assigned to the measured value is partially outside the specified requirements. LABCO evaluates the measured value in this case as compliant.

Case III:

The measured value to be evaluated, e.g. median value, average value, maximum value, etc., lies on one of the given specification limits. In case III, the measurement uncertainty assigned to the measured value is partially outside the specified requirements. In this case, LABCO evaluates the measured value as compliant.

Case IV:

The measured value to be evaluated, e.g. median value, average value, maximum value, etc., is outside the given specification limits. In case IV, the measurement uncertainty assigned to the measured value is completely or partially outside the specified requirements. In this case, LABCO evaluates the measured value as non-compliant.

Case V:

The measured value to be evaluated, e.g. median value, average value, maximum value, etc., is outside the given specification limits. In case V, the measurement uncertainty assigned to the measured value is also outside the specified requirements. In this case, LABCO evaluates the measured value as non-compliant.

Customer-specific rules of decision are stated in the test report and must be agreed upon prior to the arrival of the test samples at LABCO.


Current: 3rd revision as of 15.07.2021

Older revision statuses:

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Union Dental

Alfred-Nobel-Str. 15
27612 Loxstedt-Stotel

Tel.: +49 4744 913930



Alfred-Nobel-Straße 15
27612 Loxstedt-Stotel

Alfred-Nobel-Straße 13
27612 Loxstedt-Stotel

Tel: +49 4744-913 93-0