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We are shining

February 7, 2024 – our new signboard…

…on the LABCO BTC building

We are pleased to announce that the installation of our signboard on the building is complete! The bright letters of LABCO on the LABCO BTC building give our location an even more striking presence. We see this milestone as further strengthening our commitment to visibility and innovation.

Signboard on our LABCO BTC building

September 2, 2022

Battery tests and safety

September 2, 2022 – safety first…

and communication is key!

Battery testing is a complex process that requires the highest safety measures. Entire testing systems are connected in such a way that the probability of an uncontrolled incident occurring, such as a fire starting during the testing process, is extremely low. This is of course also the way it is with LABCO BTC. Conditioners/temperature controllers (Image 1) are a fundamental part of battery testing, such as battery tests (Image 2, battery tester) under climatic or thermal conditions. However, they also provide a certain degree of safety: through constant communication with the other test systems, they also ensure that the testing process is protected against possible sources of danger due to overheating.

Our two walk-in temperature and climate chambers (each chamber offers a test space of 11.5 m³) are now complete (Image 3) and will be made ready for future commissioning in the near future.

Last but not least, a picture from our staff information event today (Image 4). ALL LABCO employees are regularly informed about current topics, including LABCO BTC, and what the next steps are. Questions are answered and guided tours are also given as to what the progress looks like at the moment. Transparency and personal exchange within the company are very important to us, which is why it is a matter of course for us to continue this type of communication for our employees.

Conditioner/temperature controller

Battery ­tester

Walk-in temperature and climate chambers

Employee information meeting

Transparency and personal exchange within the company are very important to us, which is why all LABCO employees are regularly informed about current developments.

September 2, 2022

Temperature test chambers

August 12, 2022 – “ICE cold and blazing hot”

Our walk-in temperature test chambers

The storage of batteries at a wide range of temperatures is an important part of many test specifications. With our walk-in temperature test chambers, we can test the safety and, interdisciplinary, the durability and performance of battery cells, modules and packs.

Speaking of (large) battery packs: Last week Friday, one of two temperature test chambers was brought into our battery test centre. This has a test space volume of 11.5 m³. With external dimensions of 2.7 m x 5.2 m x 2.7 m and a weight of 5 t, it had to be unloaded from the transport vehicle by crane.

You can find out more about our temperature cells and our other temperature and climate testing systems here.

A big ‘thank you’ to Wärmeprozess- und Klimaprüftechnik Michel GmbH & Co. KG for the pictures.

August 12, 2022

Shaker-Test Temperature chamber

July 29, 2022 – A “Giant Event”

The temperature test chamber (11 m³) has arrived

Last week, everything revolved around a “giant event”: the temperature test chamber for our vibration test system. It was lifted into the shaker hall of our Battery Test Centre by crane. On the images 1 and 2 you can see a good size comparison: Next to the employees and a lorry, it is clear that this is not “just” a temperature test cabinet, but a temperature test CHAMBER with a test space of 11 m³!

For comparison: On the page ” Climatic Test Systems” you can see the design of the system at the very bottom, meanwhile the current overall construction can be seen on the images 3 – 6. We are thrilled!

In addition, the pack testers were also installed today, providing a maximum total power of 1.1 MW (images 7 – 9).

Of course, the work on the power switchgear is not standing still either: paths for the earthing cables have been laid behind the plant (image 10).

Last but not least, there is a image (11) of the future entrance to our LABCO BTC Battery Test Centre, which will open soon.

We’d like to say ‘thank you’ to Wärmeprozess- und Klimaprüftechnik Michel GmbH & Co. KG for the pictures of the installation of the temperature test chamber.

July 29, 2022

Electricity in oversize

July 15, 2022 – Electricity in oversize

Our power supply switchgear is here

There has been a lot to report since the last 14 days: Our power switchgear has been delivered and lifted up to the first floor with the highest care (images 1+2). All our laboratories and offices at LABCO BTC are to be supplied with electricity in future by this high-performance equipment and the highest safety standards.

Of course, this also includes a similarly high-performance transformer (image 3) – which weighed several tonnes and was lifted and retracted centimetre by centimetre through the (really perfectly fitting) side door (image 4).

On image 5 you can see again the current complete assembly of the power switchgear. Soon we will provide you with details and more information about our facilities and our future equipment park.

July 15, 2022

Windows Doors Walls

July 1, 2022 – Windows, Doors, Walls

…and a shipment!

Our employees were quite amazed: With the doors and windows in place (image 1+2), the building already looks very different. The first partition walls in the building are now also breathing life into the office and laboratory concept (image 3).
But nothing stands still in front of the building either, as excavation and smoothing is being done in preparation for the roadwork (image4). so it can get very tight between 2-3 excavators.
In addition, we were able to take the shipment of the first (not exactly small) components for our battery test systems today (image5) and are thus looking forward to the next step: unpacking!
Of course, we will take you along again in our construction diary.

July 1, 2022


June 10, 2022 – Informational session

…and a small barbecue!

Last week there was an information event for all LABCO employees.

The management and some employees gave several short presentations on the next steps of LABCO BTC – all of which took place in the building of our future Battery Test Centre, of course. In addition, after the presentations, there were guided tours of the entire construction site, after all, the completion of the building has progressed enormously again. On the images 5 – 7 you can see how window and door frames as well as window glass are ready for the office rooms.

After the event, there was a small barbecue for all employees. Unfortunately, many pictures of the information event and the barbecue were damaged – that’s why we only have a “symbolic picture” of the barbecue!

June 10, 2022

good vibrations

May 23, 2022 – good vibrations

the vibration test systems arrive

On 16.05.2022, the mobile lifting device for the installation of our two shakers from TIRA GmbH arrived. The premises of our Battery Test Centre LABCO BTC were extensively prepared so that the systems could be set up on the same day (Images 1 – 4).

Over the next few days, the individual components of the vibration test systems were delivered and installed day by day, one after the other and with the utmost care (video will follow). The electrodynamic vibration test equipment will be able to test with a nominal force of up to 300 kN (sine/noise) and 900 kN (shock), so it comes as little surprise that the heaviest component weighs over 15 t! (Images 5 – 8)

Image 9 shows the current state of the battery test systems. However, a few individual components are still missing, because our vibration test systems should not “only” be able to vibrate batteries, but also test them under a wide range of thermal environmental profiles.

We will present the completely finished systems to you soon. Stay up to date with and through us. You can find more information about our “shakers” with temperature chamber here.

May 23, 2022


April 26, 2022 – soar

The upper floor

The offices for the staff have already been built out so that work on the upper floor can continue. In the images 1 – 3, the structures of the office rooms can be clearly seen. Here, the future employees of our Battery Test Centre LABCO BTC will become members of our teams in a comfortable working atmosphere. By the way: We are still looking for employees for LABCO and LABCO BTC. Interested parties are welcome to visit our homepage to find out about our advertised vacancies. We also welcome unsolicited applications.

While the images 4 – 5 show the (almost) finished roof installations of the upper floor, there is just as much going on “in the background”: All building services are already being installed. This means that the sanitary facilities, the ventilation and the electrical systems are being installed.

For an overall view of our new building, however, we would like to accompany you up the stairs in a short video. Enjoy the view!

April 26, 2022

Happy Easter

April 14, 2022 – keeping track of everything

Easter’s coming

Our latest images show that now not only our room for our future vibration test systems is completely shining in LABCO colours, but also that the first steps for finished entrances are created. After all, we want to open our doors for you in the fall of 2022. With this construction progress of our future Battery Test Centre LABCO BTC, we are happy to go into the Easter holidays.

We wish you a happy Easter and of course spring-like weather!

April 14, 2022

Coat of Paint

March 25, 2022 – we show our true blue colors

First coat of (LABCO-blue) paint

Cooperate Design plays an important role for us. In this context, logo and colour communication is essential for our Cooperate Identity, so it can project who we are, both internally and externally.

In the images you can follow the development of our room for the future vibration test systems. The smoothly concreted and well-prepared room has now received its first coat of paint in LABCO blue – we will of course publish the final result.

March 25, 2022

The laboratory from the inside

March 11, 2022 – The laboratory from the inside

first impressions

The progress since 23.02.2022 is remarkable: The ceiling has been poured and smoothed, the walls have been put up and are now being plastered.

Today we took the first pictures of the interior. Image 6 shows the laboratory rooms. On the right side will be our climatic test system, on the left our battery test systems. On Image 7 and 8 you can see the pits of our future vibration test systems. The rails for the vibration temperature test chamber are also already attached to the ceiling and walls.

We are impressed by the dimensions of the rooms and it is getting easier to get an idea of the laboratories of our future Battery Test Centre.

March 11, 2022

Storm front and flooding

February 22, 2022 – Storm front and flooding

Ylenia, Zeynep & Antonia

Our construction site before and after the storm: images 1 – 2 were taken on 10.02.2022, images 3 – 4 on 18.02.2022 and image 5 today. We are glad that we have largely managed the storm front last week without any great damage, which is not a matter of course.

Thanks to the employees of our construction site partners, everything was quickly put back in order and the construction work of our Battery Test Centre LABCO BTC could continue.

This is not a creek…

February 22, 2022

The time to built the roof is when the sun is shining

February 4, 2022 – ‘The time to repair built the roof is when the sun is shining.’

(John F. Kennedy)

The construction work on the roof scaffolding of our soon-to-be-standing building has begun.

In addition, the first structures of special building constructions for our future device park can already be seen, such as the pit for our electrodynamic shakers (picture 2 and 3).

February 4, 2022

January 2022 – IT GOES FORWARD

January 2022 – IT’S GOING FORWARD


Since the start of the ground works, you can observe almost daily how the building complex on our site is taking more and more shape…

January 2022

Ground work

September 2021 – ground workS

It happened so quickly

At the beginning of last week, there was still green field and already on Friday, the company Erich Thiess & Sohn GmbH took the first visible steps towards the LABCO BTC building with excavation work for us.

We are looking forward to the next steps.

September 2021


September 2021 – ground workS

It happened so quickly

At the beginning of last week, there was still green field and already on Friday, the company Erich Thiess & Sohn GmbH took the first visible steps towards the LABCO BTC building with excavation work for us.

We are looking forward to the next steps.

September 10, 2021

Drone flight over the area

September 6, 2021 – Drone flight over the area

A last look across the “old” LABCO ground:

Soon, the construction work of our sister company LABCO BTC will begin on our adjacent ground.

September 6, 2021

Get in touch with us!

Do you have any questions regarding our testing offer?
We would be happy to assist you and answer any questions you may have about which tests we can perform for your components.

Union Dental

Alfred-Nobel-Str. 15
27612 Loxstedt-Stotel

Tel.: +49 4744 913930



Alfred-Nobel-Straße 15
27612 Loxstedt-Stotel

Alfred-Nobel-Straße 13
27612 Loxstedt-Stotel

Tel: +49 4744-913 93-0